We welcome contributions that report both on accomplished research and work in progress. Possible topics that could be addressed but are not limited to:
Advanced Computer Technologies
- Agent technology
- Aied architectures (distributed, agent-based, web-based)
- Authoring systems for aied/its
- Instructional planning
- Intelligent systems architecture and ontology-aware systems
- Interaction design and novel interfaces
- Intelligent pedagogical agents and learning companions
- Knowledge modelling and representation
- Natural language and dialogues in aied
- Supporting meta-cognitive skills in aied systems
- Virtual and augmented reality in aied
- Web intelligence
- Ontology and metadata
- Semantic web services and service-oriented architecture
- Semantic web technology
- Tutoring strategies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Computational & Synthetic Biology
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Graphics, Vision, Animation, and Game Science
- Computing for Development
- Data Management
- Human Computer Interaction
- Machine Learning
- Molecular Information Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- Programming Languages and Software Engineering
- Robotics
- Security and Privacy
- Systems and Networking
- Theory of Computation
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Wireless and Sensor Systems
- Cloud, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and High Performance Computing
- Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing
- Wearable Computing, Mobile Web, and Smart Environment
- Algorithm, Model, and Framework
- Programming Languages
- Communication and Networking
- Database and Data Mining
- Big Data and Internet of Things
- Web and Internet Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Operating Systems
- Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia Technology
- Embedded system and software
- Game Theory
- Anticipatory Computing
- Geographical Information Systems/ Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GIS/GNSS)
- Intelligent Information & Database Systems
- Security and Privacy
- Social Web, Network, and Computing
- Social, Ethical & Other Issues of Networked World
- Software Design Patterns & Engineering
- Information/Business Management, and IT policy
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multimedia systems and services
- Integrating Technology in Real-World Environment
- Promising topics in all aspects of information technology, science, and engineering
- Learning analytics
- Data mining for learning
- Linked open data for learning
- Designing tools for learning analyzing
- Data mining, text mining, and web mining for learning
- Data sharing for learning analytics
- Open platforms, Open Educational Resources (OERs), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), open data, and open learning methods
- Educational Big Data
- Design and application of learning analytics systems
- Co-design of learning technologies with children, teachers and researcher
- Collaborative and cooperative inquiry, conceptual change, embodied cognition, scaffolding & transfer
- Design of new technologies and learning environments
- Development of computational thinking and representational practices
- Identity and interest in computing and design
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- New generations of educational technologies
- Life cycle management of technical learning objects
- Learning systems platforms and architectures
- E-learning, knowledge management and their organizational management
- The Internet of Things and the future of learning
- New directions for standards development in the field of digital learning
- Mobile social networks for learning
- Contextualized learning support models and environments
- Mobile Learning
- Smart tangible objects for learning
- Game based Learning
- Technology Enhanced Language Learning
- Effective ways of teachers’ professional development for promoting ICT in education
- Policies on ICT in education